Wedding Photographers Workflow
Melbourne Wedding Photographers present an overview of the workflow used in creating your wedding photos. From capture to final presentation, the methodical way in which your images are processed, ensures you’ll get gorgeous wedding photos. Here’s how we do it:
fantastic wedding photography begins with great image capture. This means that everything i correct when the photo is taken. The mindset of “fixing it later with Photoshop” is not one we subscribe to- not so long ago photographers were renowned for their precision in capturing the original image. It hasn’t stopped in the digital age- it is done differently but nonetheless just as methodically as it was decades ago. We have built custom profiles in all our Nikon cameras to ensure we work within a calibrated colour space. All camera screens and computer monitors show the true colours of your wedding photos the way that they will look when printed by Melbourne’s leading professional wedding portrait labs, which means we can apply all the correct settings at capture. This means that ultimately you save money on premium wedding photography, because we don’t need to spend the hours repairing careless mistakes that could have been avoided from the start.
We calibrate on the move- setting all the parameters at the time of taking the photo. This is better than doing it later; it preserves the artistic integrity of the photographer’s vision. Post-shooting correction really means “fixing mistakes that were made at capture”, so better to not make the mistakes in the first instance. Individual adjustments are fed into the camera- manual white balance settings, tone, saturation, colour and contrast optimising for beautiful images that show you and all the details of your wedding at their very best. Examples of this style of artwork can be seen on the Melbourne garden weddings page of this web site.
Our use of Hollywood Lighting on locations lifts the images to the spectacular compared to those which are shot the way most wedding photographers shoot, using either reflectors or “on camera” flash. Those techniques went out last century! See examples of creative lighting in use in the Melbourne Garden Weddings Gallery, and also the Chapel Weddings page of this web site.
Back at the studio, your images are imported into our machines, and backed up to no less than three separate hard drives, of which two reside off-site in fire proof vaults.
Each file is inspected individually, we do any artwork applicable- black and white conversions, part-color, tones and special effects, image combining and montages, then final print profiles are applied before before processing the images into print resolution files for you. Our files are saved for you as high resolution print files capable of yielding superb enlargements to 2 meters in length, suitable for framing. We also save extra copies of the output files, in case you lose your DVDs- to simplify the process of replacing them for you.